Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Never Again

Yesterday had to have been one of the most embarrassing days of my life. What was supposed to be a fun and memorable event turned out to be nothing but pure torture! I decided to schedule us for family pictures, mostly of Sammy, but I wanted to get a few good shots of us too. We had not taken Sammy for professional pictures since his second birthday and wanted some updated pics to give to the family. Well as it turns out, Sammy had other plans.

We arrived at Dolphin Mall, which he was so looking forward to because he thought the mall actually had dolphins, and walked to the photo studio. Problem # 1, Sammy spotted the live bunnies. Little did I know at this point the role the poor bunny would play.

We were escorted to the back of the studio to change Sammy's clothes for his session. Problem # 2, his shirt is too "bluey". That's right, bluey. Not even a word in the English language, but my son manages to use this to describe his distaste for the shirt I wanted him in. How dare I take him out of his green alligator t-shirt? What kind of mom could I be? The poor photographer and I finally convince him that the bunny does not like green shirts. He only likes blue ones. After almost 10 minutes later, he reluctantly agrees to pose for some pictures, but not without the white bunny of course.

Ah, the poor bunny. He was taken out of his cage and handed to my son, completely unaware of his soon-to-be near death experience. I'm surprised animal rights was not called on us. The bunny was squeezed, chased, and dropped into a box from what must have seemed like extreme heights to him, all in a matter of 30 minutes. We thought he was dead after hearing the loud thump. Poor bunny.

Despite the bunny torture, the photographer managed to get some good shots in the "bluey" shirt. Sammy even posed himself for some of them. Problem # 3, time to change his outfit.
After the battle between the green t-shirt and the bluey shirt, I (fool that I am) attempt to change him into another completely different outfit. A long sleeve shirt and jeans. Problem # 4, he wants the green t-shirt again. Problem # 5, he doesn't want to change into jeans, Problem # 6, he refuses to take off his socks. That's right, the kid that's always barefoot is refusing to take off his socks. His sole mission for the day: to go against everything I desire.

This new outfit was for the family shots. After finally getting him dressed and a few fits and crying sessions later, we manage to sit for a few shots, but not without the bunny of course. The damn bunny is in our family shot just as if he was part of our family. I guess it was the least we could do for him after almost being killed!

The session was over when Sammy refused to sit for anymore pictures. We were supposed to end up with about 30-40 shots, but we only ended up with about 20. I was so upset at the fact that I was paying all this money and wasn't getting the full value because my son was acting up. I even told him that this eventually would come out of his allowance when he actually has one (not that he understood what I was talking about). I was so pissed and embarressed in the studio that I almost started to cry. I'm sure you've had the experience where you've gone somewhere and there's an abnoxious child wreaking havoc and you think, "gosh, what a brat!" Well, that was my child yesterday. I wanted the ground to swallow me and make me disappear.

And just when I thought it was all over, right before we leave, just to make sure he had made his mark, he spills a cup of orange soda all over the waiting area of the place. Yeah, enough said. They must have been so relieved when we left.

Here's the link to some of the pictures that were taken. Almost all of them are there, but a few are missing.
